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Thursday, 31 December 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Trees have slowed their pace of absorbing carbon dioxide
Forests play an important role
in stemming global warming by absorbing
carbon dioxide -- the most abundant Greenhouse gas -- from the atmosphere . But
a study says that trees have slowed their response to a warming climate. The trees were
slowing down the process of sprouting leaves. The slowdown suggests a
current and possible future weakening of forests' carbon uptake due to the
declining temperature sensitivity of trees.The researchers found that the trees' response (to earlier
spring) had declined over the past three decades, and strong winter warming may
further reduce it.The authors believe the trees may be trying to protect themselves against cold weather.
Source. Down to Earth (magazine) 16-31 October 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
This Diwali make a pledge to reduce environmental pollution, not increase it.
Harm caused by fireworks:
Fireworks Alternatives
1. Air Pollution
A heavy smog hangs low in the air on Diwali
night and a few days after that. While we ignore the smell - and some even
claim to like it - we can't ignore the fact that we are inhaling poison. The
pollutant levels are injurious to our respiratory passages, especially Asthma
Toxic Element
Fireworks Usage
Toxic Effect of Fallout Dust & Fumes
allergy, lung irritation, bioaccumulation
smoke, possible carcinogen
cancer, skin irritation and wart formation.
tract irritation, possible radioactive fallout.
bio-accumulate. Cancer risk.
was supposed to be banned globally.
environmental toxin. Is a carcinogen, mutagen and a reproductive hazard
Dioxide / Nitrate / Chloride
developmental danger for kids & unborn babes, may remain airborne for
days, poisonous to plants & animals
and irritating fumes when burned
(Mercurous chloride)
heavy metal. Can bio-accumulate.
by inhalation. Is a free radical
toxic by inhalation. SIDS risk.
gas that attacks & irritates lungs
Ammonium & Potassium |
/ oxidizer
contaminate ground & surface waters, can cause thyroid problems in humans
& animals
black powder
dusts, carcinogenic sulphur-coal compound
replace calcium in body. Strontium chloride is slightly toxic.
by-product of sulphur combustion
rain from sulphuric acid affects water sources, vegetation & causes
property damage. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) risk.
2. Noise Pollution
Fireworks can exceed 140 decibels and noise at
85 decibels or above can damage hearing. Prolonged exposure to such high levels
of noise can lead to permanent damage of the eardrums. In the middle of
the night fireworks often disturb people trying to sleep. There are also cases
where people have suffered from heart attack due to the high noise.
Humans are not the only species affected. Birds
and wildlife are known to suffer extensively. Numerous pets are reported to
panic due to sudden and excessive noise. Their stress levels were reported to
be higher during Diwali than any other time of the year.
3. Garbage
The amount of garbage released on the day after
Diwali is phenomenal. Approximately 4,000 additional metric tonnes of garbage
are released in Delhi alone, and twice the amount in Mumbai. And this garbage,
far from being eco-friendly, is extremely hazardous for the environment as it
comprises of chemicals like phosphorous, sulphur and potassium chlorate, and
tonnes of burnt paper. Fireworks use plastic plus paper & cardboard
(which kills trees) and are all made at factories that pollute.
4. Accidents
Numerous fire accidents occur every year. Rough
estimates claim that nearly 10,000 people get injured by the crackers. Most of
the injuries are minor, but cause an untold amount of pain. Most of the victims
are children in the age group of 8-16. Other accidents cause extensive
building fires, especially in places where crackers are stored in bulk.
5. Child Exploitation
Our children are fortunate to be part of the
privileged few that can afford firecrackers. But there are numerous children
who are employed by the firecracker industry, who sit late into the night
making crackers for our children to burn in an instant. Firecrackers are made
using harmful chemicals and acids, and these children work from dawn to dusk,
breathing such harmful fumes and coming into constant skin contact with the
acids. They burn their hands, legs and eyes, and many get maimed for life. The
conditions they work in are inhuman, and the compensation, pitiful.
Fireworks Alternatives
- Switching
to an environmentally friendly laser light show
- A
stunt kite show at night with some LED's
- Watching
the stars or organize an outdoor movie.
- Some
people are organizing community drum circles and drumming instead of
lighting fireworks.
- Indoor
fireworks projectors are small devices that can be used indoors that
produce convincing reproductions of firework displays as well as
simulating the noise of real fireworks.
- Electronic
fireworks display lamps produce colourful explosions of light all night
long without the pollution or noise of real fireworks.
- Electronic pyrotechnics don't use explosives
either. Electronic blasts can form a canopy up to 25 feet in the air that
rain down glitter, confetti, rose petals or even candy.
Just imagine all the possible more meaningful and
beneficial ways we could use all the money spent on fireworks that wouldn't
pollute our environment.
Wish you all Healthy, Safe, Eco-friendly and Prosperous Diwali......
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
दुर्गम ग्रामीण जंगलाच्या
आजूबाजूच्या भागातील आदिवासी बांधवासाठी तसेच विद्यार्थ्यामध्ये निसर्गातील घटकां विषयी प्रेम आपुलकी निर्माण व्हावी म्हणून संस्था कार्य करीत आहे
.त्या कार्याचाच भाग म्हणून सातारा
जिल्हातील जावळी तालुक्यातील डोंगर रागांच्या कुशीतील कोयना नदीच्या काठी वसलेल्या खरोशी गावातील डॉ.कर्मवीर भाऊराव पाटील रयत शिक्षण संस्थेच्या शाळेत साप आणि विंचू,त्याच्या दंशा विषयी आणि प्रथोमपचारा विषयी शास्त्रीय माहिती आणि बॉम्बे नॅचरल हिस्टरी सोसायटीचे शिक्षकासाठी असलेले निसर्ग विषयक मार्गदर्शक पुस्तक निसर्ग विज्ञान संस्थेच्या वतीने शाळेला विनामुल्य भेट देण्यात आले.
शाळे भोवतालचा परिसर .
कोयना नदी
Monday, 5 October 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Monday, 3 August 2015
Artificial glaciers and Chewang Norphel
Glacier Man
A retired civil
engineer battles climate change in the Himalayas, building artificial glaciers
that provide irrigation water to mountain villages
At more than 4000 meters above
sea level in
the trans-Himalayas,
the air is so thin that it can be a struggle simply to
breathe. Yet Chewang Norphel is almost jogging across
the boulder-strewn landscape,
with goatlike agility that
belies his 80 years.
Tonight, he will sleep in a
tent 1000 meters higher up, at
temperatures that dip 10°C below freezing,
so as to continue his work in the morning. And what unusual work it is: Norphel makes
glaciers. He takes
a barren, high-altitude desert and turns it into a field of ice
that supplies perfectly timed
irrigation water to some of the world’s poorest
So far, Norphel has built 10 artificial glaciers, which sustain crops that feed some
10,000 people. It’s become
his obsession.
“When it is ver y cold and ver y diff icult work, I have to remain focused. All I can think
about is making the most
successful glacier.
He was
awarded Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award of India,
in 2015
He spends his time at home tending to his garden along with his wife. Most of his household consumption vegetables & fruits are sourced from here. He has also developed an underground storage place to store vegetables. This natural preservation can keep onions fresh for over 9 months!
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
RIP Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
This is
the oath taken and encouraged to be shared by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, which he
stood by his entire life. It is the testament to his life and his dedication to
science and environment! RIP Dr. Kalam
1) I
realize that every mature tree by photosynthesis absorbs 20 kgs of Carbon
dioxide every year. By the same process each tree lets out about 14 Kg of
Oxygen every year.
2) I will plant and nurture ten trees and will
ensure my parents, my sisters and brothers plant trees and my neighbours also
plant ten trees each. I will be an ambassador for tree mission in my locality.
I will keep my house and its
surroundings clean and use products which are bio-degradable to the extent
I will promote a culture of environment
friendliness, through recycling and conservation of water and other recyclable
materials both at home and school.
When I take a professional career, I
will take decision with respect of organizational processes which protects the environment and
preserves the bio-diversity.
I will encourage the use of renewable
energy to the maximum extent possible.
I will spread the awareness about the
need to preserve the environment in my home, in my locality
and among my student friends.
I will engage the water conservation,
especially by rain water harvesting and spread the message in my family and
World Nature Conservation Day 2015
Celebrated on July 28 each year, World Nature Conservation Day recognizes that a healthy environment is the foundation for a stable and productive society and to ensure the well-being of present and future generations, we all must participate to protect, conserve, and sustainably manage our natural resources.
We all depend on natural resources like water, air, soil, minerals, trees,
animals, food, and gas to live our daily lives.
To keep the balance in the natural world, we must also help various species to
continue to exist. A report from the global conservation organization World
Wildlife Foundation suggests that since 1970, the pressure that we exert on the
planet has doubled and the resources upon which we depend have declined by 33
percent. Despite the efforts put into conservation by organizations and
conservation activists, their work has been undermined by those who have
Conservation of nature is very important, with scientists warning of mass
extinctions in the near future. Many nature documentaries show resources that
are being wasted. We have made this planet a world of steel and concrete to
sustain humanity but at the cost of other species, and it has become more
imperative upon us to conserve these resources that are vital to human survival.
Trees and plants consume carbon which has increased the planet's temperature,
increased storms and sea level rises and freshwater glacier melting that
threatens lives. Glaciers are connected to rivers and lakes which we depend on
for drinking water through city/town/community services (where did you think
your water came from?). Birds, bees and other insects pollinate the plants we
need to eat to stay healthy nutritionally. Factory foods provide reduced
quality in favor of the financial incentive. Children who spend time exercising
their senses in nature have been shown to increase their skills at a faster
rate than those who don't. Our planet provides us with all of the resources
that modern exploitation have given us, through wood, medicine, water, plants
and animals to eat, metals, vitamins, minerals - yet it's exploited for money
with systems of varied complexity. Nature has given us SO much. If we don't
conserve, we lose these precious privileges to exploitation and abuse of
The natural world is facing an increasing threat from unsustainable practices
and the challenge is how to preserve and conserve nature in the process of
achieving sustainable development.
The state of nature has an impact on human survival, local and global economics,
community life, human health and wellbeing.
On this day, let us make a conscious effort to contribute to the local,
national, and global efforts in conserving nature and the benefits they provide
for the present and future generations.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
दुर्मिळ चिंताजनक प्रजाती पैकी व्हेल माश्याचा मृत्यू
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Friday, 10 July 2015
Waste Dumping in Mumbai
- In 2011-12, Mumbai alone accounted for 6.11% of total waste
generated in India
grams daily estimated waste generation by each resident in land starved Mumbai
- Current operational landfills:
(6000 MT daily) 20 m beyond Airport Authority of India’s prescribed limits
(4000 MT daily)
(500 MT daily, 3000 MT capacity)
dumping ground scientifically closed in June 2009
- 12 MT Biomedical waste is incinerated at Deonar plant daily
- High-level emission of greenhouse gases (methane), recurring fires,
stench and diseases
- Estimates suggest Rs 60,000 crore industry with 10-15% growth
potential every year
- Bioreactor being constructed at Kanjurmarg for methanisation of
biodegradable waste, scientific closure of Deonar in phases proposed
Monday, 29 June 2015
Study identifies 6th mass extinction event, lists human activity as primary cause
The paper,
published June 19 in the journal Science Advances, takes a “conservative”
approach to measuring the extent of the situation because previous estimates
have been criticized for overestimating the severity of the extinction crisis.
The primary
researchers — from institutions such as UC Berkeley, Stanford University
and the National Autonomous University of Mexico — compared current extinction
rates with a normal baseline rate of two mammal extinctions per 10,000
vertebrate species per 100 years. Based on this measure, about nine vertebrate
species should have disappeared from the earth since 1900. But the paper’s
“conservative” extinction count stands at 477, which should have taken as many
as 10,000 years to occur.
Ehrlich, senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and
co-author of the study, notes that the species extinction rate is the highest
it has been in 65 million years.
essentially doing to the planet what the meteor did that took care of the
dinosaurs,” he said of the data’s implications.
Finnegan, an assistant professor in UC Berkeley’s integrative biology
department who specializes in mass extinction, said the researchers’ study
contrasts with other studies that tend to estimate modern extinction rates
indirectly. For example, some measure areas of destroyed habitats and then
extrapolate extinction predictions based on how many species are believed to
exist in those areas.
“This study
doesn’t take the inferential approach,” he said. “They are tallying up
well-documented, well-observed extinctions of mammals.”
extinction can occur because of a variety of environmental factors, the
study emphasizes humans’ effect on the alarming rate of species loss. According
to Finnegan, industrialization has “drastically accelerated humans’ impact on
Earth’s ecosystems.”
Anthony Barnosky, a campus professor of integrative biology, cited a high
per-capita use of fossil fuels and the over-exploitation of ecosystems for
economic gain as major contributing factors.
“In one or
two human lifetimes, we are the ones wiping out what evolution took millions of
years to create,” he said.
In addition
to being the driving force behind the sixth mass extinction, humans will
ultimately face “high moral and aesthetic costs” in as little as three
lifetimes, according to Barnosky. Crucial ecosystem services, such as crop
pollination and water purification, will suffer if high rates of extinction
persist, the study says.
that it took up to millions of years for the planet to rediversify
after the previously recorded mass extinctions, the study says, these
consequences would be effectively permanent on human time scales.
said that some conservation efforts could potentially slow the process of mass
extinction but said he agrees with the study’s conclusion that “the window
of opportunity is rapidly closing.”
biologists are hard at work trying to stop it,” he said. “But there’s not a
hope of changing this in the long run if human populations keep increasing and
we maintain a pattern of perpetual growth on a finite planet.”
What’s happening to honey
What happens if all bees die?
Big Five mass extinction events
Although the Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T) extinction event
is the most well-known because it wiped out the dinosaurs, a series of other
mass extinction events has occurred throughout the history of the Earth, some
even more devastating than K-T. Mass extinctions are periods in Earth's history
when abnormally large numbers of species die out simultaneously or within a
limited time frame. The most severe occurred at the end of the Permian period
when 96% of all species perished. This, along with K-T, are two of the Big Five
mass extinctions, each of which wiped out at least half of all species. Many
smaller scale mass extinctions have occurred, indeed the disappearance of many
animals and plants at the hands of man in prehistoric, historic and modern
times will eventually show up in the fossil record as mass extinctions.
Discover more about Earth's major extinction events below.
Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction
The third largest extinction in Earth's history, the
Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction had two peak dying times separated by
hundreds of thousands of years. During the Ordovician, most life was in the
sea, so it was sea creatures such as trilobites, brachiopods and graptolites
that were drastically reduced in number.
Late Devonian mass extinction
Three quarters of all species on Earth died out in the Late
Devonian mass extinction, though it may have been a series of extinctions over
several million years, rather than a single event. Life in the shallow seas
were the worst affected, and reefs took a hammering, not returning to their
former glory until new types of coral evolved over 100 million years later.

Late Devonian mass extinction

Permian mass extinction

Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction

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